Vanessa Keeps Drinking

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Suddenly determined, she tiptoes into the kitchen, gets on a chair and grabs the bottle. Again she drinks quickly (gags) before heading straight back to her room. 

“Mission accomplished,” she thinks. “That was brilliant!” 

Feeling a warm glow from doing something forbidden, Vanessa gets an idea. 

Screw Mariah, she thinks. I’m going to message Jaden. The burning in her throat gives her courage, and it seems like a grand idea—the best ever. Vanessa has had a crush on Jaden for weeks, but felt too shy to do more than smile and say hi. Once he even cocked an eyebrow in response.

Now she feels like superwoman—totally fearless. Who cares what he thinks anyway? She scrolls through the Jadens on Facebook Messenger, laughing as she thinks up clever remarks. 

To her surprise, he answers back right away. He’s at home alone, he says, bored. And thinking of her!!

Vanessa’s head starts spinning. It all seems unreal. Her usual uncertainty has vanished, and she just wants to rush toward the bright exciting life where Jaden is getting more and more turned up, begging for photos of her—sexy photos—and wondering if she can sneak out for some “Netflix and chill.”

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